Thursday 22 January 2009

False alarm

My husband, who has been known to sleep through fire alarms, is so anxious that he has become a light sleeper over the last few weeks. This is very rare for him.

Now being almost at my due date, I find it quite difficult to turn over in my sleep. I feel very much like a beached whale, and have to make quite an effort to turn from my right to my left side. This time, when I woke up and decided to turn over, I noticed that there was another obstacle in my way; I had my husband to one side of me, and someone else on the other side. Apparently, my 5 year old boy had woken during the night and decided come sleep in our bed. I was sandwiched. Not wanting to wake either one up, I tried my best to turn over in this confined little space. We really do have a large enough bed, so I don't know why I would be squished... anyways...

I had made so much grunting or groaning noises trying to turn over, that I had woken up my husband. He said, "Is it time?"
Of course, I was out of breath from all the effort and panted out to him that no, I wasn't in labour. I was just turning over.

Funny thing is, I don't recall having such a difficult time turning over when I was pregnant with our other children. I remember feeling big, but not necessarily beached.

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