Our ravelry group, Happy Blue Year, is in the midst of an awesome Spring Scavenger Hunt.
I'm just about to mail my partner's parcel off to her, as I've finished her hand-knit item. Don't worry, it's not on my project page yet, so there's no peeking.
To my surprise, my parcel came in the mail this week! Beverley mailed if early, as it was coming here from England. What good timing, it arrived here just before Easter, and right when I needed some really good chocolate. I'd been having a slightly stressful week, partly because I was anxious about my knitting deadline (to get that shawl done in time for Nanna's birthday, which sadly I did not complete in time for the party), and partly due to my daughter going through a Curious George phase. She's three, and gets into more mischief than both my boys put together, or any of my daycare clients. For example, she wants to be helpful by feeding the fish. She'll construct things to climb on to get at the fish food, but takes the lid off and shakes it all over the room. I can handle a bit of fish flakes, but too much really bothers my nose. I have a suspicion that I might be allergic to this flake fish food stuff, so I wash my hands whenever I'm done feeding the fish. I had to hold my breath as I vacuumed fish flakes off the bed covers and floor, then laundered the sheets. She also draws on the walls, and puts pretty stickers on the floor. Standard toddler things, but there are days when she pulls stunt after stunt. Then she bats her eyes and gives that cute little smile that says, "I'm too cute to get in trouble". It's soooo hard to keep my poker face on as I put her on time out. But I have to say, her behaviour improved right after a time out. If I let her go with too many
almost time-outs (when you say 'next time' there'll be a time-out) she is sure to test me to that promise very soon. This is a girl who likes to know where her boundaries are.
Here is Emma, delighted to help me see what is in our parcel from Snazzyb. She's holding onto the little silver notions bag that says Jennifer on it.
Wow! I got spoiled!
Not shown above are the gummy bears (they were soooo good) and the chocolate orange.
Snazzyb wrote me a nice note about the local things in my parcel.
To the right of the card, is some of the wonderful Cappuccino chocolates that were included.
I hid them very carefully, in my knitting bag.
See the beautifully hand-spun yarn?
Beverley also gave me this pattern for using small bits of yarn to make a cool scarf!
I was pleased to learn that she designed this pattern herself. I've been thinking how neat it would be to be able to make something with all my little bits after a project is done. This is such a great idea!
I was also given a great starter kit for learning to make my own stitch markers,
which I've been interested in doing for quite some time.
And she also made me some stitch markers to use right away :)
Here is the blue yarn - I haven't decided what it will soon be, but it's so soft and squishy that I'm sure it will be a delight to knit with.
I'll start a project page for it on ravelry, so it will be ready to go when I cast-on.
And there's the rest of my chocolates, which I'm holding off on opening. Saving for a chocolate emergency, when they will be fully appreciated. The blue box is a neat little thing; a sliding pencil case with knitting tools inside such as a mini ruler, some stitch holders, and more chocolate!
Thanks again Beverley, you really spoiled me! I love it all!