Wednesday 9 March 2011

Premie Kimono with Clementine Cotton

This is what I've been working on for the past month, as well as a few other WIP's.  My friend told me that I could knit faster if I have other projects to help break it up, making it seem less daunting when it starts to feel like it's taking forever.  A fresh break, I suppose.  So I took her advice, and did a bit of this and a bit of that.  I have just a few inches left to go, and the arms.  I actually thought it would have been finished last weekend, and was wrong.  These tiny stitches and tiny needles are not what I'm used to, but the Knit Picks yarn is so soft that it's a pleasure to knit. 

The other items I've managed to knit up during this time are an eyedrop scarf - no picture though, I've sent it off to my Beat the Winter Blues swap partner along with some matching yarn in case she wants to make matching mitts or a hat.  I'll have to post a photo when she posts hers.

I've also knitted up a cabled hat, my first one, using Patons SWS yarn in denim.  After knitting it up, I was so disappointed to hear they are discontinuing this line.  Why does this keep happening?  After I find out how much I like a yarn?  Is it a fashion thing?  Out with one yarn, in with the next?  Here's a pic:
The pictures don't really show off the pattern well enough.  This is just using my computer's camera.  My Nikon lens got some dust in it (which will teach me to not take photos on a windy day near a construction site).  I have to send it away to get cleaned, which is covered by their 5 year warranty, thankfully.  This hat was supposed to be a slouchy hat, but there is no slouch what so ever.  I was supposed to use one size up in needles, I think.  And I thought, I'll just knit loose.  Well, not enough.  It is quite a comfortable hat, but not slouchy.  I hope the person I've sent it to still likes it.  I've not put it on my Ravelry projects page yet, so no one will see it until it gets to my swap pal in the mail.

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