Sunday 13 January 2008

Scavenger Hunt Swap

I just learned about bloggers having swaps between each other. They send themed gift packages together, but as a secret pal to be revealed. The host is in charge of assigning secret pals to each other, sort of like Kris Kringle or Secret Santa during the holidays. I loved doing this with my family as a child. I was surprised at how many of these are going on at once! So I signed on for a second one. This one comes with a questionaire to be completed, to help your secret pal get to know you.

Here is the theme for the knitter's scavenger swap

1) Something local
2) Something round
3) Something green
4) Something related to the letter 'T'
5) Something funny
6) Something hard
7) Spoilers choice (make up a category for your item!)

I submitted my email request for the swap, so I will be checking my email to see if I made it in before the cut off time. There is a limit to how many people can do this swap, so I'll have to wait and see.

It would be fun, I think, to host a swap of some kind. I'm curios as to how much work the host or hostess must put into a project like this to make it run so smoothly.

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