Monday 18 February 2008

New Question:

How do you keep track of your rows when doing patterns?

Do you make charts?
Do you print off the  pattern and check off the rows?  Strike them off as you go?
Do you use an abacus?
Spreadsheet on the computer?

What's your favorite way of keeping track?


  1. My favorite way is using my chart keeper, which I got from knit picks. It's magnetized, and so it's very easy to keep track. :)

  2. Duh, forgot to tell you even though you probably know, this is your scavenger hunt pal. :)

  3. I, too, like the chartkeeper. It holds your pattern in place with magnets, and then you move one magnet row by row as you knit!

  4. Ok, you've got me curious... I'm going to have to go check this thing out. I will google Knit Picks and see what comes up...

    Do you always knit near the fridge, or use a magnetic clip board? I'm going to find out.

  5. Hey, that is pretty neat! I liked their tutorial on how to read charts, too. I like that the chart keeper folds up to put away easily. It looks very handy!


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