Saturday 9 February 2008

The Weekend is here!

Last night I went out with my old college friend to a ladies' game night.  There was a large room with lots of round tables.  Ladies brought their own board games, cards, and crocano (spelling?) tables.  There was also lots of refreshments like tea, hot chocolate, flavored water and an old fashioned pop corn machine like at the theatres.  This was my first time at a games night.  I haven't played crocano since high school; although I was terrible at first, we had a hoot. Most of us at my table were terrible at first.  I actually shot the disk and it rickocheted off the table.  We had a good time.

Today I am brining my boys to a birthday party, then I am hoping to go to the other local yarn store that I have not yet been to.  I will bring my lists with me, so I have all the possible information I could use to find things for my spoilees.  I have printed off their questionnaires, and wrote down a few points I have gathered from reading their posts.  I also printed off the scavenger hunt and dishcloth swap requirements, so that I don't accidentally leave anything out.  I can't wait for my Etsy stuff to arrive!  Still, I don't know what category I will fit most of it under, I just think my secret pal will love the stuff I've picked out!
I'll post a picture when it arrives.

It's supposed to snow more today.  I'm hoping not too much until after I get home again.  It would be aweful if I didn't get to go the the LYS today!!!

If I do make it there, I'm sure you'll see another post from me later with a report of all the goodies that I saw!  From what I'm told, they stock over 1200 different types of yarn!
I'm really excited! 

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