Friday 1 February 2008

To Knit a Sweater

I found this pattern of a lovely sweater that I think I would like to try to knit.  I realized when looking at the pattern that there are some things I still need to learn before I make a sweater.  I'm curious how others tackled their first knit object that was bigger than a dishcloth?  Learn to knit book?  Class?  Friend?  Knit Along group? I would love to be able to knit a sweater before sweater season is over.  I may have to crochet one just to get it done - I'm much faster with the hook.  There are so many more gorgeous patterns out there for sweaters to knit than to crochet.  Which a real motivator for me to learn knitting.

I've noticed on my dishcloth that I am knitting that my purls are loose and my knits are tight. Strange or what?  I'll have to work on that this weekend.  That, and I am hoping to finish my sister's rainbow scarf as well as the camo vest I'm half done.  I was hoping on going to the local yarn store, but with this snow I am going no where!  We had lots of fun making snow forts today, though!  Have a great weekend! 


  1. Hmm, my first non dishcloth pattern was a hat, and I used to help me out, she has some great videos there.

    And hey, this is really funny... my knitting gauge is much tighter than my purl gauge. I think it's just having the yarn in front changes the way I hold it. :)

    And if you do a sweater, you're so amazing! I haven't tried one yet... I'm going to do the central park hoodie though as my first one! :)

    BTW... this is your scavenger hunt buddy! :)

  2. Whoo hoo! This is so much fun having a secret buddy! I hope everyone else out there is having as much fun with this as I am!

  3. P.S. Thank you scavenger hunt buddy for the knitting help link. Love those videos! Especially the longtail cast on; that's so cool! I'm going to check out their projects.

    Hope you are having a great weekend!


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