Wednesday 27 February 2008

part of the gift

These are the stitch markers that I ordered on Etsy for my secret pal in the Winter Doldrums gift exchange. She likes to make socks, so I think she will like these. I don't know if she has any yet, so hopefully they are well received.

Of course, the package is well on it's way, but I didn't post a photo yet so I thought I would do it now. I'm also learning how to post from flickr, and haven't done it yet, so here goes... (if you see the photo, it worked).


  1. I love those stitch markers -- so cute:)

  2. They are awesome!!! I didn't have any and I am so excited about trying them out on my next pair of socks - which will be using the wonderful yarn you sent as well!!!!

    Thank you so much for the stitch markers! I love them.


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