Saturday 2 February 2008

Ravelry, Here I Come!

Guess what?  I just got my email invitation to join Ravelry!!!  Whoo Hoo!!! I am so excited!

Tonight I will be touring Ravelry, and finishing my Moose dishcloth that I'm making for my Winter Doldrums secret pal.  I had to frog the last 10 rows;  I couldn't figure out why it was turning out so funny until I had a friend take a look at it.  She said I had been doing my purls backwards somehow.  I think I was wrapping the yarn around the needle the wrong way when purling.  I was knitting while watching a movie last night, and I must have become distracted and goofed up.  We had a good laugh over it. :)


  1. Yay! How do you like it so far?

    Guess who this is. :)

  2. It's great! My username there is Swiggles.
    I'm going to add in my stash and WIP's there over the next few days. I've only touched the tip of the ice burg, so far. Can't wait to explore more of it!

  3. If you are purling 'backward' and they are situated as twisted on the needle, you can simply knit them into the BACK loop when you knit back and it will work out fine. You may unknowingly be doing combined knitting!

  4. Thanks! I remember trying the combined purl once and thought it was so easy, but didn't care for the knit side. Maybe I have been doing that and didn't realize it? After watching the video on, I found out I was supposed to be wrapping the yarn around counter clockwise. I've been trying different ways (continental and english style), so I might have gotten mixed up. I figured switching hands would give some balance, but maybe not such a good idea for a beginner. :)


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